Thursday, July 21, 2011

Development from Chromebook

I have been able to spend a few days with my Chromebook..and I have to say I still love it.  At first I felt that the OS was a bit limiiting by only allowing me use web apps, but after doing some digging there are some real gems out there that really adds to my attempt to move to  the cloud.  I already have been using the various Google products such as Docs, Gmail, Calendar, but I really wanted to be able to do some web dev on my niffty new device.  My desired platforms included RoR, PHP, and HTML.  My focus was primarily Rails.  So after searching I found a pretty decent cloud IDE and also some pretty easy hosting that so far looks like it might satisfy my  requirements.

This was recommended to me by a co-worker who currently uses it for various small rails projects.  I started have second thoughts about it when I learned it used git instead of mercurial but after getting everything setup it really makes for an easy free host.

This is a pretty cool cloud IDE.  I believe it is currently in beta, so I really hope it makes it to release.  Part of what makes it cool is that it provides integration with git and heroku making it pretty simple to work in source control and push to your hosted environment.

If you are looking to try developing in the cloud definitely look at giving these tools a try.

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